Personal Training

Sienna Personal Trainer Brian Day

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Sienna Personal Trainer Brian Day
Top Notch
Personal Training
in & near Sienna!

Brian Day, BS, CSCS
Bachelors Degree Exercise Physiology, UMASS Lowell, 1997
NSCA Certifiied Strength and Conditioning Specialist
NSCA Certified Personal Trainer
20+ Years Full-Time Personal Health and Fitness Trainer
Fitness By Day was established in 1999
Strength and Conditioning
Addressing Injuries and Imbalances
Post Physical Therapy Conditioning
Functional Training
Injury Prevention and Healthy Joint Mobility
Optimizing Health and Performance through Nutrition
Improving Function Against Chronic Disease (Parkinson, Cancer, etc)
Fitness By Day is based in Sienna in Missouri City, Texas
Personal Trainer, Brian Day, is available to workout with you in your home, his Sienna studio, or outdoors in Missouri City, Sugerland, Pearland, and more.
Client Testimonials
Real Experiences, Lasting Results
“Brian is very professional and succeeds in getting the desired results. He works within your personal timetable and builds you a custom program to achieve results for any level of performance. His ability to extend personal limits is amazing. I would recommend his services to anyone looking to attain short or long term results.”
Ron Cambell
“Brian is not only a terrific motivator, he is EXTREMELY knowledgeable and professional in his approach to my personal training program. Brian is always available to answer my questions and to try new methods to help me achieve my goals. What’s really great about training with Brian, though, is his ability to push me to my limits, especially by introducing much needed variety into my fitness plan. I’m never bored and the best part is this: It’s working! I’m looking and feeling great! ”